2 July 2005 Jessica Alba vs Katie Holmes

Jessica Alba 04.jpg Katie Holmes 04.jpg



Posted by Simguy on 7/2/2005, 9:57 am.


Before: Alba insulted by Katie’s challenge: Jess still seeing herself way, way above Holmes’ level and accusing BSE of deliberate insult. “Katie Holmes?” Jess says with mock incredulity at the dais. “Anyone here who thinks she has even a chance against me needs to get out of journalism business. This is just more BSE BS., trying to degrade me with a third rate challenge—I’ll mop ther ring with Katie. No way I’m letting her step up against me—no way.” Holmes excited, up beat in prefight. “I’ve come a long way, and I sincerely believe I have closed the gap on Jessica. Nobody has a better book on Jess than BSE—I’ve had a terrific camp while Alba’s had her confidence rocked by recent outings. I know she’s the favourite, but I think I’m getting her at a good time: I’m going to do my best to add to her woes and heap another BSE beating on her overrated backside!” Katie pinking the notorious Alba ego with a deft rapier thrust—Holmes smug and cheeky in her seat, just to goad a flustered Jessica extra. Jessica in neon baby blue bikini top, thin-rainbow striped bottoms, messy blonde battle bun—Katie in royal blue bikini.


During R1: Jessica loping forward lanky—Holmes has read the book. Katie [popping her jab to break up Jessi’s rush, setting down on firm right hands--Alba eating one-twos, startled and JESSICA GOES DOWN! Alba stumbling to all fours—yelp of pleasure from Katie as she jogs to neutral corner—Jess scrambles up from canvas, pushing against ref to continue, cheeks hot with shame. Rest of the way--and enraged Jess Alba attacks Katie strong along the apron—Holmes dukes up, back to ropes—Jessica slashing and sweeping to ribs, biting into tummy, stroking either mitt in between around and under Katie’s elbows. Jess nice n’ brawny, pressing into Katie with the left shoulder to keep her rope-bound—Holmes maintaining the high guard but suffering mightily about her ribcage and midsection. Bell: Katie relaxes; Jessica hooks crotch, cleans up chin a looping right hand to drape poor Holmes wobbly butt in the ropes. BSE outrage as corner leaps up onto apron; ref pushing Jessica back and reading her the riot act—Alba smoldering, still angered and offended by the failure of legs to take Katie’s punch early.


R2: Jessica pouring across the ring, rifling lead rights hard upstairs, back with stroking hooks across the body—Holmes driven to the ropes, dukes up, face panicky and Jessi lashes away. Sweeping beat down—Alba licking her blows all sinewy, pulling limber right hands onto Katie’s jaw, twisting hips to haul whippy lefts into Katie’s ribs. Holmes sliding to her right, staring: Jessi stepping-with, knuckling up Katie’s shoulders to brace her, propping her for more shellack. Katie’s guard falling apart—she’s staring into blows—Jessica pounding away heartless now as Holmes starts to bare her throat. MASSACRE! Jessica tearing away with hate on every punch—Britney up on the apron screaming and jumping up and down—poor Katie getting her face belted, sitting in the ropes helpless to prevent the withering bombardment. Red finally tackles Jessica away, leaving Katie to pool slowly to her haunches, head lolling as she sits in stupor against the ropes. TKO2 Jessica Alba.


After: Holmes reaping the whirlwind—her saucy her knockdown awakening the most ferocious Jessica Alba anyone’s seen in 3 years as Alba releases the hounds big time tonight. Jessica advancing on Holmes to take extra—intercepted by an angry Britney Spears who pushes Jess back roughly by the shoulders, initiating a tawdry screaming/shoving session midring., Alba rebuked—she finally stands a few feet away, stamping her foot and shrieking impotently at Britney: Spears on guard, icy-eyed, standing strong and denying Jessica any more Katie.


Reposted by Archer 5/19/13.