20 July 2000 Jewel Kilcher vs Janet Jackson



Posted by Simguy on Thursday. 20-July-2000 19:37:53


Before: Plump and pretty Janet dismissing criticism of her weight—“I’m not a kid, this is where I am now, this is where I’m comfortable. Ask Jewel after the fight whether I’m in shape or not.” Janet in black thin strap sports bra, red nylon hipster skirt—Jewel in teal sports bra, teal boy cut trunks, tight ponytail.

During R1: Janet fading to the ropes, but she’s very cute inside, slipping and sliding, turning her body as Jewel tries to apply pressure but ca

n’t make contact. Janet dipping low, twist8ing back, drags her fists back and forth across the belly, breasts and face—Jewel getting shellacked, but standing in like a trooper. Jackson shortening up so much she’s landing with palms. Sides of her fists on Jewel’s face—fouls take their toll as blonde starts to wobble. Late in the round, Jewel’s stubbornness costs her as Janet jerks a little right uppercut inside, spins off the ropes and levers Jewel onto them. Blonde off balance takes a swiping right heel/palm on the cheek and crumbles to a knee, dazed. Janet peeling back with a superior smirk as the bell sounds—shutout with power has Jewel in shock.


R2: Janet still smiling confidently, luring Jewel to the ropes once again and setting up to counter the blonde to death. Jewel coming in with arms crossed, moving her head, cranks hooks to get Janet leaning back into the ropes, then puts legs and backside into a driving short right hand that catches Jackson jaw. Oh man, it is over! Jackson going out with sickening headsnap, lolls lifeless against Jewel  for a second before sliding past and pitching face first to the canvas. Jewel blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes, looks on with no expression. KO2 Jewel.


After: Jackson certainly clever and supple inside, but the ring mobility that was her hallmark seems to be gone forever.  Jewel just coming forward, able to set her feet and throw, finally catches her elusive foe and puts Janet down hard—Jackson later admitting she can’t remember the punch. Gena Lee Nolin reportedly pulling the plug on any potential Jewel bout near term as a results of this devastating knock out. Probably just a rumour.


Reposted by Archer  4/20/14.